They are as follows;
Colour Harmony – Red and Green
D80,Aperture f/29, Shutter Speed 1/320 sec, ISO 3200, 105mm (35mm equivalent 157mm), Pattern Metering Mode, Auto White Balance, Tripod Mounted, 105mm lens
I felt that this was a stronger composition and that the fruit really showed off the colour properly.
Colour Harmony – Yellow and Violet
I struggled to get a good composition on this one without going over the boundaries of good taste. In the end I decided to go with this composition as it was the simplest and had the best hue of yellow.
D80,Aperture f/4, Shutter Speed 1/200 sec, ISO 100, 29mm (35mm equivalent 34mm), Pattern Metering Mode, Auto White Balance, Hand Held, 18-70mm lens
Colour Wheel 3rd Spacing – Orange and Green
Following the suggestion from my tutor I went back and had a look at the original image as it was commented that the light and composition were too weak. I followed on from the idea from red and green and purchased a number of orange peppers and stacked them into a box, placed them next to a window in direct sunlight and photographed them as they were side light.
D80,Aperture f/29, Shutter Speed 1/640 sec, ISO 3200,48mm (35mm equivalent 72mm), Pattern Metering Mode, Auto White Balance, Tripod Mounted, 18-70mm lens
Colour Wheel 3rd Wheel Spacing – Blue and Pink
Again I played with this for a while as I could not get the composition or the colour correct. In the end I decided to play with a very light blue wig and had the model wear a pink ribbon and pink lipstick for the image.
D80,Aperture f/13, Shutter Speed 1/125 sec, ISO 100, 105mm (35mm equivalent 157mm), Pattern Metering Mode, Flash White Balance, Hand Held, 105mm lens
Colour Spot or Accent – Single Blue
I worked this one quite quickly and did a rough shoot to test the idea, I liked it so much that I just reset the layout of the matches a few times before shooting the final image.
D80,Aperture f/29, Shutter Speed 1/1000 sec, ISO 3200, 70mm (35mm equivalent 105mm), Pattern Metering Mode, Daylight White Balance, Tripod Mounted, 105mm lens
I am happier with these images as they forced me to go back and re-examine some of my submissions and decide where I needed to do more work and to rethink some of my original ideas.
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