Where: A field on Pencraig Hill just outside East Linton.
When: Just before sunset. The weather was dry but cold with a bright low sun just about to set to the far left of the frame.
How: As described below,
First photograph of the standing stone in the centre of the frame f/8 1/160 ISO 500 shot using a 70-300 telephoto lens at 98.0 mm (35mm equivalent would be 147.0 mm). As the standing stone is in the centre of the frame it appears to be the most dominant item in the frame as it stands outs and the eye is drawn directly too it.
Second photograph f/8 1/160 ISO 500 shot using a 70-300 telephoto lens at 98.0 mm (35mm equivalent would be 147.0 mm) The standing stone is off centre to the right of the frame and I was not too happy with the framing and exposure of this shot, so I took the photo again. I feel that the standing stone in this photograph and in photograph three loses its dominance in the photograph as it is no longer centre stage and my eye is drawn around the frame before settling on the stone. This may be due to the hill in the background, but I also feel that my eye is drawn across the foreground as well.

Third photograph f/8 1/250 ISO 500 shot using a 70-300 telephoto lens at 98.0mm (35mm equivalent would be 147.0 mm) – I’m happier with the exposure of this shot as the exposure is just a touch darker at 1/250 and both the colours of the standing stone and the background are not as washed out.

Fourth Photograph with the standing stone out of centre on the left of the frame f/8 1/160 ISO 500 shot using a 70-300 telephoto lens at 98.0 mm (35mm equivalent would be 147.0 mm). In this photograph I feel that my eye is being drawn across the ground and to the stone by the furrow in the field. The stone gains some dominance of the frame by being off centre, but again I feel my eye is drawn first to the ground and then into the stone.

Seventh photograph f/8 1/320 ISO 500 shot using a 70-300 telephoto lens at 90.0mm (35mm equivalent would be 135.0mm) With the standing stone as the furthest right of the frame I feel that the stone stands out in the frame and that it is the first things that you see before your eye is drawn off into the background of the sky. Again I feel that this photograph would probably benefit from recomposing the frame or cropping the photograph.

Eighth photograph f/8 1/200 ISO 500 shot using a 70-300 telephoto lens at 90.0mm (35mm equivalent would be 135.0mm) With the standing stone at the furthest left edge of the frame I feel that the stone is almost lost within the photograph as my eye is drawn away from it as it is not the most dominant item in the frame. In this case the sky is the most dominant item in the frame. Again with photograph seven I feel that the photograph would probably benefit from recomposing the shot.

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